Despite lack of bids in the auction, president Dilma celebrated the result and rebuffed the critic to the model that puts a lot of responsibility on Petrobras (that is currently with a constrained budget). According to the president, the model has the merit of guaranteeing that 85% of the revenue from Libra oilfield will remain with the Brazilian state (which has 51% of Petrobras voting shares). The government also announced it will be with watching closely the oil exploration in the pre-salt, after O Globo denounced the subject was not covered by the auction summon.
Enough with oil. I would like to comment a piece of news that is trending in the social media among Brazilian users. It’s the invasion of a research laboratory last Friday by a group of animal rights activists. They removed 178 beagles from the institution at dawn on Friday, saying they were victims of maltreatment.
Immediately after the news broke, on the weekend, hundreds of animal lovers shared their thoughts on the cruelty with animals. The scientific community responded saying there are few alternatives for research in some cases and condemned the invasion. Today O Globo says the federal deputy Ricardo Tripoli is holding a couple of beagles in his house and is advising the other 15 to 20 members of the group on legal matters. They will be indicted for the invasion of the laboratory. The police is also investigating the complaint of animal maltreatment.
Folha de S. Paulo, on the other hand is reporting that a beagle dog breeder in São Paulo, that the activists think is the provider of the laboratory’s dogs is in constant fear of having his own property invaded. He has already hired private security to prevent possible protests.
The subject is trending in social networks and generating heated discussions in each post favorable or contrary to the activists. In my point of view, invading a private property is not the way to deal with the subject. The activists themselves told they had inside information about the abuses. The best way then would be to proceed with the formal criminal complaints.
Even though I’m obviously contrary to animal maltreatment I also support experiments in animals, when there are no other alternatives. I mean, if that is what it takes to develop medicine that will save human lives, than it’s all right with me. Humankind has been killing and using animals for survival purposes since ancient times, and that is not likely to change soon.
Immediately after the news broke, on the weekend, hundreds of animal lovers shared their thoughts on the cruelty with animals. The scientific community responded saying there are few alternatives for research in some cases and condemned the invasion. Today O Globo says the federal deputy Ricardo Tripoli is holding a couple of beagles in his house and is advising the other 15 to 20 members of the group on legal matters. They will be indicted for the invasion of the laboratory. The police is also investigating the complaint of animal maltreatment.
Folha de S. Paulo, on the other hand is reporting that a beagle dog breeder in São Paulo, that the activists think is the provider of the laboratory’s dogs is in constant fear of having his own property invaded. He has already hired private security to prevent possible protests.
The subject is trending in social networks and generating heated discussions in each post favorable or contrary to the activists. In my point of view, invading a private property is not the way to deal with the subject. The activists themselves told they had inside information about the abuses. The best way then would be to proceed with the formal criminal complaints.
Even though I’m obviously contrary to animal maltreatment I also support experiments in animals, when there are no other alternatives. I mean, if that is what it takes to develop medicine that will save human lives, than it’s all right with me. Humankind has been killing and using animals for survival purposes since ancient times, and that is not likely to change soon.
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