President Dilma was impeached, a new old president has taken her place, and now the country is facing again municipal elections.
What we read in today's newspapers is a mixture of organize crime fighting and killing candidates, the fall of PT, and the struggle of the new president to pass essential reforms for the country.
While there are some who still think the country has suffered a coup d'état, The majority of the public opinion, and press, seem to be waiting for something to happen.
I personally think the solution will not come easily. But it will come eventually, probably by the end of 2017. The PT loses the election in Sao Paulo this weekend it will probably mean the end of the party as we know it. One of its last domains is Minas Gerais, the state in which the PT governor assistant was arrested during the election with undeclared money. That's why it is so important to win Sao Paulo city elections for the party, as another PT politician may be impeached so soon.
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